Fashion and art as investments (Part 2)

Fashion and art as investments (Part 2)

Fashion and art as investments (Part 2) Fashion too, has an appreciative value. Industry giants have often remarked that a closet is always incomplete without a Chanel jacket and even though the comment appears to be meretricious or flamboyant, there lies a core of...
Fashion and art as investments (Part 1)

Fashion and art as investments (Part 1)

Fashion and art as investments (Part 1) Have you ever heard someone say, “art is an investment”? You must have. You might have also wondered how a work of art could possibly be anything else apart from an object for our intellectual sensibilities. Surely, our eyes...
Wellness in 2021 and beyond

Wellness in 2021 and beyond

Wellness in 2021 and beyond 2020 has been a major eye-opener for us all. The whole world remained in a standstill; some of us held our loved ones close in the comfort of our homes, some of us put ourselves in risk by tending to the ailing and some of us struggled to...